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Dear Participants: The final pairings for this tournament have been announced !

First Saturday September 2024 GM

Last update 16.09.2024 10:45:12, Creator/Last Upload: Sahovski Savez Vojvodine

Starting rank list of players

6GMOhanyan, Emin13312022ARM2514
4FMCitak, Selim6301819TUR2416
2GMNeverov, Valeriy14100150UKR2412
7IMPosthuma, Joshua2096889USA2409
9IMSai, Krishna G V5028280CAN2402
3IMDi Benedetto, Edoardo875740ITA2401
5FMSathvik, Adiga25745700IND2378
10IMAkshat, Khamparia5016541IND2371
1FMDobrikov, Marco12950378GER2369
8GMSeres, Lajos701254HUN2324